Crewing Policy

The Company will employ competent officers and ratings to ensure that its fleet is operated safely and efficiently to comply with the requirements of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW) Convention, National and International Regulations and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective management contracts with owners:
Stringent crew selection and recruitment methods will be employed to ensure that; a) Manning requirements for all vessels in the fleet are in accordance with the statutory requirements of the relevant flag administration and the STCW code
b) The Company does not employ seafarers under the age of 18 years.
c) Crew members joining the vessels have the necessary training and proper seafarer’s identification, licenses, special qualification certificates, record books, etc in accordance with Flag State Administration requirements.
d) Suitably qualified and experienced personnel are recruited for each position e) All personnel are medically fit at the time of recruitment.
f) Senior officers possess a good command of spoken and written English ( official language on board all managed vessels) and that key personnel on a vessel are able to converse in the same common language, in order that key command / instructions are properly understood
g) The Company requirements regarding Safety and Environmental protection are not compromised
h) References from previous employers and internal evaluation reports are given due consideration ;
Any or all data obtained from the seafarers for whatsoever purpose shall be treated as strictly confidential. The right to privacy of the seafarer’s for employment will be maintained except in case of information required by government/ other statutory authorities, such as shipping master, DGS or other legal authorities. This is applicable with respect to collection, storage combination and communication to any third parties. The process for interview & or recruitment will be carried out without any discrimination whatsoever in nature and nothing will prevent or deter a seafarer from gaining employment on board vessel(s). The recruitment shall be carried out without any discriminatory policy or bias based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion of belief, national extraction or social origin, caste, creed, region etc. It is Company policy to conduct personal interviews with all officer candidates prior to their first engagement. Conditions of employment onboard the Company’s managed vessels are detailed in the “ Service Conditions “ and “ Employment Contracts “ which will be sighted and explained to all short listed candidates before the contract is signed. Candidates are given ample opportunity and time to go through the Service Conditions and Employment Contract before agreeing to and signing the Employment Contract.

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